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CBI Users Testimonials
The following are some of the entities who have acquired our innovative technology. We are especially proud of the long term trust, friendship and confidence we have earned and maintained with our clients. We Cordially invite you to refer to any and all of our references including:

Barry A. Miller, AIA, LEED AP, Vice President, Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson, Inc.

Makes my job dramatically simpler and reduces claims

"What I like about your software is that I can have less experienced staff work on it and I have a well-organized code review approach that makes my job dramatically simpler and reduces claims."

Jeffrey Dunlap, Niles Charter Township, Michigan

Expedite the process and increase your plan review accuracy

"This software takes the previously tedious plan review task for commercial construction and makes it almost enjoyable! Inputs are intuitive and the output is straight forward and contains only the information needed and selected by the plan reviewer. For those design professionals who complain about the amount of time a municipality takes for plan reviews, get this software and you can email the data file to your government plan reviewer, expedite the process and increase your plan review accuracy. Great product and great support."

Carroll Lee Pruitt, FAIA, NCARB, Pruitt Consulting - Code Consultant

A great tool for building code analysis

"I have used Commercial Building Inspector on projects now and have found the product to be very efficient. High quality detailed and summary reports are provided at the end of each project review. These reports provide detailed information on code requirements similar to that found in professional code analysis reports."

William T Winning III – CBO, Winning Way Services, Houston, Texas

CBI Program, brings the plan review to the 21st century

"We at Winning Way Services provide plan reviews for Architects, Engineers, and Design Professional to assist in building’s planning process. This software allows us to look at different design parameters and quickly change or modify to achieve the best results for the client. The software assists us in educating and informing the design professionals with the results and the supporting documents to base a decision and correct move forward on a project. OptaSoft's cbi Program, brings the plan review to the 21st century, and improves our plan review quality and time to complete our review."

Rulon Taylor, Senior Plans Examiner, City of Spokane Valley, Washington

75% time Saving

"I want to thank you for letting me use your program for a month before having to purchase it. This gave me the opportunity of giving the program a good working trial. It not only speeds up the review but all plans will be reviewed by exactly the same procedure leaving less chance for error. All mathematical calculations and specific research is done for you by the program.

I have just finished a project that would normally take two and one half days and it only took two and one half hours. On an average I would say that I should be able to do my commercial plans reviews in 25 % of the regular time. After using the program I still need to refer to the state amendments and do the plumbing, and mechanical reviews. This should help me keep up to the large load of commercial plans that are coming in. I find the program very user friendly. It asks for two or three basic things and then it reviews them. It repeats this process until the complete plan has been reviewed. When it has taken you through all of the steps it will then give you a basic report or a comprehensive report. You do not even need a code book as any references that you need are shown to you and with a simple click the print is on your screen. It makes many more decisions than most of us do when doing a plan review.

A designer could really take advantage of this program as you can always back up if the design does not work and try a different approach. If designers had this program and submitted the report with the drawings it would speed our review time up."

Bill Cress, RA, Cress & Lopresto Architects, Baton Rouge Louisiana

Proven to be a useful tool in our office

"Commercial Building Inspector has proven to be a useful tool in our office. We have been used to using hard copies of codes throughout the past and have enjoyed using this software application. At first it seems a little "different". After working on a few projects, the software really is as efficient time wise. In effect, you can also print a full report after conducting an initial search. The report can be used as a checklist for items you may want to investigate further or remove from the list as irrelevant. The software has proven itself accurate thus far and has in fact educated us on a couple of code issues different from SBC."

Pete Newkirk, PE, Building Official City of Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Better understanding of the IBC

"The software has really helped us perform reviews quicker and because the software is standardized, we are getting more consistent reviews. It has probably saved at least 50% in review time. We had recently hired some new reviewers (because the former ones retired) and having the software cut their training time drastically. We have even had design professionals and contractors sit in for their reviews so we sort of train them on the job so they can get a better understanding of the IBC and the code differences for future submittals. We recently changed from the SBC to the IBC and the software made the transition of the different codes real easy. So far the software has worked fine and we have not had any problems."

Paul H. Shoeffler Jr. PE, Shoeffler Engineering, Inc, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Major breakthrough for Architects and Engineers

"I have had the pleasure of reviewing your computer program covering the 2000 / 2003 International Building Code. As a professional Civil Engineer involved in designing commercial buildings I want you to know that I consider this program to be a major breakthrough for Architects and Engineers as well as planners and Designers. It reduces individual interpretation of the code to a uniform standard. Built into this program is the input and consensus of the City's Plan Reviewers thus assuring that plan reviews are uniform, consistent and accurate. Very simply stated, when this program is used, my plan had the advantage of having been reviewed by all plan reviewers. I consider your program to be an essential tool for all Plan Reviewers"

George Traylor, Building Official, Denham Springs, Louisiana

One Man Operation

"As you know I am a "one man operation" here in the City of Denham Springs. Not only do I have to do all plan review but also inspections, flood plain, condemnations, and various other duties that are involved in the department. The use of cbi has helped me tremendously. I recently had to review a set of plans for a two story 11,000 sq ft bank and office building. Because I have to start and stop so much during a review this would normally take me the better part of a week to accomplish the review, this without writing a letter. The software enabled me to get the review done in about 6 hours, including the writing of the letter. Before I did not have the means or time to even try to generate a review letter. cbi software has been an asset to me. With the construction that we have in the future I know it is going to be well worth the investment."


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